Jerry Clark
Feb 16, 20221 min read
The truth we know
Often, we desire to hang on to the truth we know, seeking to prove the other wrong, as opposed to graciously considering their differing...
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Jerry Clark
Feb 14, 20211 min read
Swallowing my pride
Pride is what you feed on to justify to yourself why you didn’t get what you wanted. [ Blind Spot ] Blind spots cause enormous...
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Jerry Clark
Feb 4, 20211 min read
Start looking for the blind spots
Life is more enjoyable if you steer clear of other people's business. This is a good place to start looking for [Blind Spots] Discovering...
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Jerry Clark
Feb 2, 20212 min read
Blind Spots, man, what are they?
I am thrilled to announce the launch of my site,, and the launch of my new book, Blind Spots in Relationships What I...
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