What a wonderful nation we get to live in. Sure, there are many grievances and issues that cause us separation. However, we are linked together by a tapestry of history that is woven together by our veterans who have proudly worn the uniform of this powerful country.
Our church has a veteran’s ministry, and we meet to talk about the difficulties that face too many of the proud men and women who have served. This group of veterans comes together weekly to talk about their difficulties fitting in after serving in many different theaters.
This is the safest group I have ever participated in.
It is difficult to imagine veterans of Korea and Vietnam still suffering after 50-plus years of coming home. Veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and so many other conflicts that our military have proudly served are the newest casualties of veterans attempting to come home.
Don’t get me wrong, many veterans who have suffered military and war casualties have reentered civilian life with little or no repercussions and have successfully joined civilian life.
Others continue to suffer from personal wars of PTSD, depression, anxiety, military sexual abuse, divorce, drugs, alcohol, jobs, getting VA benefits, and so many other issues. None of these are to be compared or judged. Each veteran has had their own experience of military and war.
Our veteran's group was formed to have a place to vent and get the support they need and so deserve. It serves as a place to reflect while also feeling valued and understood. It is impossible to genuinely understand someone else's suffering until you have walked in their boots and gone through their experiences.
The inability of not being able to tell their story keeps too many things bottled up and sometimes veterans believe that suicide is the only answer. Say what you will about suicide, but when you see the strongest and toughest who have suffered for years, take their lives, I request that they not be judged.
I have the utmost respect for all veterans and will proudly defend them. Some go wayward and get into trouble, and I say perhaps we have not done enough to protect them from what they were taught and experienced. They have been trained for months and years and when they are released, there is not enough done to recondition them back to the civilian world.
A few months ago, I lost one of my dearest friends to suicide. I loved him so dearly and watched him battle his demons for years and they finally wore him down. And just this week our neighbor, Sara Fontana, lost her nephew, Sean Leahy, to suicide. It has truly saddened me to feel another loss.
Sara wrote a poem about Sean and has given me permission to share it with you. It is a powerful message to us all.
Dedicated to Sean Leahy, my nephew
A Veteran
Strong, outer
Crumbling inside
Insights within
Moments of clarity
Authenticity with
self and others
Is interior strength
Constant, relentless
Visions, thoughts
Tearing at the
Breaking down
strength within
Crumbling inside seeps
The strong outer
presence begins to
“You would be better off
without me…”
Offering the ultimate
The battle ends with
Sara Fontana
December 3, 2022
Oh, did you wonder about the title of this blog?
Well, this is the number reported by the Veterans Administration who take their lives EVERY DAY. YES, 22, EACH AND EVERY DAY.
I stand tall and desire to make these folks feel appreciated even though they might not be understood. I encourage you to do the same.
Watch for the blind spots.
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Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself
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This blog brought me to tears. I had no idea. How may I help? I am so proud of you Jerry and because you have answered your calling many profit. I thank you for your service to our country. You, my favorite Marine, served this country well.
May God bless you and your practice as long as you serve humanity and beyond.