Yesterday I sat in church for our Christmas morning service. It was a festive service. There were many bible passages read forecasting the birth of Jesus and then in the New Testament announcing his birth. There were Christmas carols and beautiful choir singing. All of this was very spiritual to me.
Then I began watching a family to my left in front. It was a young mom and dad with three children, about 8, 6, and 4.
The dad reverently prompted the children to stand during the singing. He pointed to the words as his older son sang from the hymnal, especially when they changed lines. The younger boy sat with his mom. At times he was in his seat, then in her lap, and sometimes on the floor. None of his activities took away her beautiful smile nor did she allow it to interfere with her worship. She showed love to all three of them with her hands and warm facial expressions. She would hold the smaller boy’s hands then he held hers. It was all orchestrated in such a loving rhythm.
As the mother stood holding the younger son, he hugged her so lovingly that the people behind her felt the same warm feeling I did. He had a Match Box car, and I was fascinated at his demeanor as he drove the little car on the floor, his seat, his mom’s arm, and any other place he could use for a racetrack.

I wanted to take a picture of them but did not want to be an intruder. I closed my eyes, paused to absorb, and took a mental picture that I can recall at any time.
At the conclusion, I went over to talk to them. They were so humble and said they had been blessed with wonderful children.
It reminded me of my mom and all the sacrifices she made to give us the love and direction we needed. She was also a good disciplinarian. I received far more spankings than I deserved. Maybe I have that backward.
I believe that mothers don't receive enough praise for all the sacrifices they make, including acting as a nurse, teacher, disciplinarian, and providing cuddles, care, love, and generosity. I am not a mother, so there are probably not enough words to adequately convey what mothers do.
It is so easy to focus on the negative news stories we hear daily. This encounter has reminded me that wonderful stories are being told all around me. It is up to me to spot them, learn from them, and savor them.
I understand that not everyone has had the same experiences with their family and mother. I hope this allows you to tell the story you want people to speak about you as a mom and dad. It is never too late to start.
There are plenty of blind spots around us; watch for them.
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Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself
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Beautifully said, Jerry. Thank you. Have a blessed week.
Beautifully said. Thank you, Jerry.