It's easy to notice differences in myself and others. We are all different. Others think differently, act, and value things that might not align with my beliefs or preferences. Does that make me better or worse than them? No. It simply makes me different.
I love Will Rogers's quote, "A stranger is a friend you ain't met yet."
I find it easy to compare myself to others, but this often leads to judgment. If someone's choices or opinions don't mirror mine, I might be tempted to think they're wrong or that I am. But this kind of thinking misses the bigger picture. Differences aren't about better or worse; they're about how God made each of us differently.
When I judge others for being different from me, I shut out understanding and connection—and even question God's creation. It's easy to criticize what I don't understand, but doing so stops me from growing. Judgment creates walls; curiosity builds bridges.
Instead of seeing differences as a challenge, what if I viewed them as opportunities? When I encounter someone whose life experience is unlike mine, I have a chance to learn. Their perspective might reveal blind spots in my own thinking or open my eyes to new possibilities. Their struggles might teach me empathy, and their strengths could inspire me to grow in ways I hadn't considered.
When I choose to embrace differences, I discover that they don't threaten my identity; they expand it. I become more compassionate, understanding, and open-minded. I learned that a person's value isn't determined by how similar they are to me but by their intrinsic worth as a human being.
So, no, people being different doesn't make me better or worse, nor does it give me the right to judge. It gives me a chance to grow. If I'm willing to look beyond the surface, I'll find that our differences are the very thing that makes us all valuable.
How about you? Do you judge, or are you curious?
Watch for the blind spots.

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