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Do you like Superhero movies?

Jerry Clark

Superman, Ironman, Spiderman, or Flash?

What's not to like about a hero who wears a cape and can fly in to save you from grave danger at a moment's notice?

There is another hero to consider, a Greek hero, Achilles.

He was the son of an immortal goddess named Thetis and a mortal man named Peleus. When Achilles was born, Thetis thought she could make him immortal by submerging him into the River Styx. As legend has it, Thetis held Achilles by his heel when she dipped him into the river. But this left his heel untouched by the magical waters of the River Styx and it remained mortal and thus vulnerable.

He is an invincible warrior who is as strong as an ox and as stubborn as a mule. His passion serves as his own "Achilles heel", so much so that Achilles lets a petty slight get the better of him, overriding his commitment to his main cause and it costs him his life.

How many times do we allow something petty to derail us or get us off course?

An Achilles’ heel is an unexpected problem or weakness in an otherwise strong person or a system that can result in injury, failure, or death.

For example, if I am trying to lose weight but love to eat ice cream, you could say that my love of ice cream is my Achilles’ heel. If I see something’s on sale, I’ll buy it – even if I don’t need it. Your smartphone can be your Achilles’ heel if you always have it out when you’re with your family or friends.

It could be any one of a number of weaknesses or vulnerabilities, such as pride, impatience, laziness, selfishness, stubbornness, impulsiveness, fear, passivity, or aggression.

If we can identify patterns, or potential ‘derailers’, we can look for solutions to overcome these.

There is no greater learning than learning from our mistakes – in fact, we always learn more.

Instead of just doing things the way you have always done them, reflecting encourages skill development and effectiveness evaluation.

It involves asking yourself constructive questions about what you do and why you do it and deciding if there is a better way to do it in the future. Understanding our own responses and behaviors enables us to interact more effectively, make wiser decisions, and overcome obstacles.

It involves challenging your limiting beliefs, allowing yourself to be open to vulnerability, and developing a new mindset of being at ease in uncomfortable situations.

What is your Achilles heel?

We can't change or grow unless we challenge the status quo.

Keep looking for the blind spots and building a better you.

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Blind Spots in Relationships

What I don't know I don't know about myself




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