Bay Harbour UMC celebrates Memorial Day by placing crosses and flags on the lawn. These crosses and flags represent the ones who lost their lives serving our country. Our veteran group, Transition-Plus, desires to place these crosses as a reminder to our community that freedom isn't free.
I like to delve deeper into Memorial Day. The lives lost, those who gave everything, deserve the utmost honor. Each death carries with it collateral damage—the pain and grief felt by those left behind. We can imagine this impact in concentric circles.
At the heart of this loss are the immediate family members: mothers, fathers, spouses, children, and close relatives, who bear the brunt of the sorrow. Their lives are forever altered, their grief a constant companion. The next circle encompasses close friends, coworkers, other relatives, and neighbors, all deeply affected by the loss. Finally, the outer circle includes the broader network of acquaintances and extended family, each person touched by the sacrifice in their own way.
Everyone is grief-stricken initially. Over time, those in the outer circle resume their daily lives, and their grief starts to fade. Letting go is more challenging for those in the middle circle, and their suffering lingers longer. Understandably, those in the center circle have the most difficult time letting go. Their grief feels like a heavy lead blanket.
Within that circle, parents and spouses struggle the most. Typically, mothers hold on the longest. They cling to anything that reminds them of their loss—a shirt or jacket hanging in the closet, photos that never seem enough. When a mother speaks of her loss, her voice resonates with profound pain and reverence, reflecting the depth of her sorrow.
As you revel in the freedom our country offers, I urge you to remember the ones who have paid the ultimate price, and those who continue to do so. In your celebrations, take a moment to pause, reflect, and honor those who have and continue to sacrifice for our beautiful country.
Please take a few minutes this Memorial Day to pause and reflect on why we enjoy all our freedoms, remembering that freedom is not free but paid for by the ultimate sacrifice.
Watch for the blind spots.
Video : Americo Zapata a Senior at Arizona State University is playing Taps.
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