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Good or Familiar

Jerry Clark

I often find myself hanging out in what is familiar rather than what is good for me.

Choosing to hang out in these environments that are either beneficial or detrimental can breed familiarity over time. [Blind Spot]

Often, I develop routines and habits that align with what I consider good for me, such as spending time with supportive friends, engaging in healthy activities, or pursuing personal growth. On the other hand, I might also fall into patterns that are not conducive to my well-being, such as being in toxic relationships, indulging in harmful behaviors, or engaging in self-sabotaging tendencies.

Whether it helps me or hurts me, this familiarity can eventually make me feel at ease, because it’s comforting, and provides a sense of predictability and stability. However, it is critical to recognize that familiarity doesn't equate to what is truly good for me. [Blind Spot]

Recognizing this contradiction is crucial for my personal development and well-being. It prompts me to assess my choices and discern whether they align with my values and aspirations. If I find myself stuck in negative patterns, it may require courage and self-awareness to break away from the comfort of familiarity and seek healthier alternatives.

Jim Rohn believed that to achieve greatness and success in life; we must break free from the confines of our comfort zones and explore new horizons.

Rohn famously said, "Your life does not get better by chance; it gets better by change."

Embracing what is genuinely good for me might involve:

  • Stepping into the unknown.

  • Trying new experiences.

  • Surrounding myself with people who inspire and support my growth.

Additionally, being mindful of these familiar traps leading to adverse outcomes enables me to make conscious decisions to break free from such cycles. While it’s challenging to let go of familiarity in these situations, doing so leads to personal transformation and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Familiarity can either serve me well or hold me back. Discerning between what is genuinely good for me and what feels familiar, empowers me to make positive changes. Embracing the good may require stepping into the unknown, while breaking away from negative patterns demands courage. Through these choices, I set out on a path of personal development and build a life that is consistent with my true values and objectives.

How about you? Are your familiar choices good or bad for you?

Watch for the blind spots.

If you know someone that could benefit from discovering blind spots, like, share or comment on this post. I appreciate your feedback and getting the message out.

If you want to find out more about discovering your blind spots get your book below.

Blind Spots in Relationships

What I don't know I don't know about myself

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