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Jerry Clark

Have you ever stumped your toe on a piece of furniture? The statement about seeing stars can come true.

The feelings of frustration for not paying attention are extensive. Perhaps blaming someone who moved it without you knowing it is also easy.

The pain of a busted toe is indescribable and, when this happens, I don’t want to look. If it hurt this bad, it means that it may have been actually knocked off. If not, it will be so mangled, I may need to have a tourniquet to stop the bleeding.

Now after a minute or two, the pain allows me to realize that death is not imminent. Maybe the spot of blood is going to subside without going to the “Doc in the Box” and the limp is employed to minimize the agony while I relearn to walk.

Wow, the things we take for granted, especially this super complex body of ours. My toes are never thought of unless they are damaged.

How many other things do I take for granted about my body and life?

I know I have told the story of picking up my friend after his dialysis treatment, I picked him up once a week. Each time I was early so he would not have to wait. As I sat in the waiting room, many patients came in awaiting their scheduled treatment. I listened to their stories and heard things like, “I can’t unload the dishwasher anymore; I can’t get the trash cans out and in from the street; I can’t get the vacuum out much less use it.”

Listening to these stories reminded me of my health and ability to work without any real issues except my poor negative attitude. I don’t like to empty the dishwasher, chase the trash cans, or vacuum, yet I am capable. These conversations caused me to change my attitude about doing things I don’t like to do.

It has caused me to change my “have to” to my “get to.”

I get to do chores because I am capable. It is a choice and I choose to do what I can without a negative attitude. I have friends who are diagnosed with different medical conditions or suffering from various physical issues.

And please don’t take me wrong, I am not making light of those who are suffering, I know there are many who don’t have my choices.

But I believe it is great to celebrate life and be thankful, especially if we live threatless and pain-free lives.

My toe doesn’t hurt, my ability to do chores is not limited and I have been given another day to live my life.

I choose not to take the simple things in my life for granted any longer.

What a gift to celebrate.

How about you? I encourage you to take inventory and count your blessings.

Look for the blind spots.

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Blind Spots in Relationships

What I don't know I don't know about myself




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