I remember a debate in college. We were debating whether there was a heaven.
I recall one person who spoke up and said, “The proof is in the older and wiser men and women whom all seem to focus on their spiritual life.”
Another quickly retorted, “Yeah, they're just cramming for finals.”

Perhaps that is true for some, but I have this strong desire to live my next 20 years leaning forward and making a difference in the world around me.
At my age, it is customary to implement the “retirement plan”—travel, golf, fish, sit back and rest and enjoy life.
I truly love that concept, but for me, it feels as though I would stop challenging my mind, my physical self, and other things that are important to maintaining good health.
I find the more I keep engaging in learning and activity, the better I become.
I have increased my physical exercise and improved my diet, and I am experiencing an enhanced disposition as a result.

I've spent the last two years attending training classes to increase my emotional, financial, spiritual, and social wealth. It has inspired me to take on new ventures in life.
I was told in Bootcamp, that I should be able to run 1/2 mile... straight up.
Yeah, I'm still working on that one.
And don’t get me wrong; speed and agility may have crept up on me, but I’ll keep working on my mobility in order to stay upright and move forward.
In relation to the—is there a heaven debate—it is interesting that focusing on nurturing my spiritual self does seem more fulfilling. The body gives way, but I choose to be young in heart and spirit and watch for the blind spots.
My challenge to myself is to remember that I am as seasoned as I allow myself to be, and I can always add the travel, golf, fishin’, and sittin’ back into my lean forward.
The big playbook is always on point, “Teach us to number our days so that we may truly live and achieve wisdom. Let the favor of the Lord our God be on us; establish the work of our hands—yes establish the work of our hands.” —Psalm 90:12, 17
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Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself
#growthmindset #emotionalmaturity #relationshipsuccess #bettereveryday #blindspots #counselingworks #leadershipdevelopment #relationshiptips #marriageandfamilytherapy #bayharbourumc #relationshiptips #marriageandfamilytherapy #Friday #fridayvibes #fridaymotivation
As one older than you and recently retired from my retirement dream job, I’m finding I need to make a difference somewhere and pray to find that place. I can play when I’m old😉
Found another Blind Spot!