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Jerry Clark

Who’s really in charge of my mood? It’s easy to let other people or situations sway it—too easy, in fact. You ever have those days where you just dread going home, or maybe you’re dreading when someone else comes home? It’s like setting yourself up for disaster before anything even happens. We’ve all been there. Sure, riding a good mood feels effortless, but the second things take a turn, it’s like flipping a switch to irritation, sadness, or anger. And who’s the first person we usually blame? Someone else. But the truth is, it’s not their fault.


We often let circumstances—or people—pull us down like we’re on puppet strings. But if you really think about it, no one else holds the strings but us. My mood? My responsibility. I can sing when things get tough, laugh when things don’t go my way, or, at the very least, choose not to let the bad stuff eat me alive. Sounds simple, but it’s far from easy.


Look at Paul, in the book of Acts, who talked about finding joy even while sitting in a prison cell. Can you imagine?



Joy in a prison cell.



The man’s in jail, and he’s talking about joy. To many of us, that sounds impossible. And yet, it’s a reminder that no matter how grim things seem, our attitude is still something we control—if we choose.


Circumstances or people will always have the ability to affect our mood, but they don’t have the final say. I do. I’m the one who gets to decide whether I let a rough day ruin my peace or if I’ll choose joy anyway. It’s not always easy, but it’s empowering to remember whose mood it really is. Choose wisely—because, in the end, the choice is yours.


How about you? Are you in charge of your mood?


Watch for the blind spots.


Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire.

Get a copy of Blind Spots in Relationships. Discover the hidden behavior that could be holding you back from the relationships you desire.




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Houston, TX 77058

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