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The Critic

Jerry Clark

It's easy for us to present happiness and contentment—it is generally how I portray myself to others. However, sometimes "the critic" inside continues to remind me of all the wrongs I've done, all the mistakes I've made, and all the self-deprecating statements I've spoken.

I know every wrong that I've done better than anyone, and I have proof of my shortcomings. It is not difficult to recall them; the times I failed, the times I embarrassed myself or someone else. Others know some of my disgraced past, but I'm the only one who knows it all.

So, it's familiar territory for "the critic" to use my past against me. Self-criticism becomes commonplace.

I don't always recognize when I am jealous, envious, judgmental, or have other sins of character, but I know how it distorts my mood and thinking. Here again, I allow "the critic" to jump upon my back and weigh me down emotionally.

I can get away from difficult people, rude neighbors, and even mean family members, but I can't escape myself. I wake up, eat, sleep, shower, drive, go to work, and even go on vacation with myself.

I appear to be genuinely on top of my game, even though "the critic" is working overtime on the inside. Sure, a glimpse of the past is required to reorient my future. But always looking down and backward, focusing on my flaws, makes me less than who God created me to be, and it will only cripple my future.

Life has its ups and downs, and it's not always one or the other. But when it's up, I celebrate, and when it's down, I hunker down to weather the storm knowing good things will surface.

Life is not always on my timetable, but I am determined to say that "I'm not finished. My mistakes of the past will not defeat me."

I choose to minimize my mistakes and regrets. I choose to find positive things to say about myself to drown out "the inner critic."

Choosing to listen to "the critic" can be a bad habit. Thank goodness bad habits can be broken. We need to use our mistakes and resentments to improve tomorrow rather than ignoring them, and this breaks the self-critic habit. I silence "the critic" by developing a strong, confident voice to speak positively about who I am and how I present myself. It's not about being arrogant or conceited but about growing and progressing. I love the question, "If I could go back and do this situation again, how would I do it differently?"

So, how are you with "the critic" inside? Perhaps you don't have one, or perhaps it's a blind spot.

I am changing my "down and back" look at the past to an "up and outward" look.

I want to interrupt that intrusive critic and move forward.

Look for the blind spots.

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You can get a copy of my book below.

Blind Spots in Relationships

What I don't know I don't know about myself




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