I often hear statements that have to do with trying to accomplish something—trying to find a new job, trying to lose weight, or trying to be a better friend.
For some reason, whenever I hear the word "try," I immediately think of "an attempt," "to make an effort," and "search.” All of these may result in positive outcomes but are more hopeful and less intentional than truly making a difference. I have “tried” many things in my life. In some, I succeeded and in others, I did not.
I like to look at the idea of accomplishing things through “training” as opposed to “trying.”
Training offers small, committed accomplishments along the way that leads to an end product. It consists of written short-term routine items that contribute to my success when attained.
This gives me an opportunity to celebrate these small successes and motivates to me to keep moving forward. If the small routine items are not accomplished, it gives the opportunity for course correction. This is not the time for self-condemnation, but rather a chance for reassessment.
I think it was Yoda who said, “Do or do not. There is no try.”
Training is a commitment that releases the power to give something our all — not just give it a try.
I find that committing to doing small routine things over time creates large improvements.
Being able to identify small accomplishments and then monitor them daily, weekly, and monthly ensures change. When my accomplishments are written down and clearly marked, I am more mindful and committed to recording my success rather than drifting and not paying attention until the deadline or aim is missed.
Do I try to run a marathon or train to run a marathon?
Do I try to get another job or train to get another job?
Do I try to lose weight or train to lose weight?
Many years ago, I ran the Dallas White Rock marathon. It was a great success because of the routines I established. I still have the records of my training and I contribute the success of that race to being intentional and strategic about how I was going to run the 26-mile race in less than four hours. I set the number of miles per week and the pace I needed to run. Even though it was many years ago, it is still a great example for me.
Today I use a method described in my book, “The Weekly Display,” which allows me to identify several goals and design tasks that need to be accomplished each day of the week in order to meet these goals. I assess the results each week to see if I am doing well or need to adjust the course.
Small steps repeated over time will create new habits. As new habits are created, these steps can be dropped, and new goals and steps can be established.
What about you? Are you trying or training for success in your health, wealth, and self?
Look for the blind spots!
Yo! You can download the "Weekly Display" now.
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Blind Spots in Relationships
What I don't know I don't know about myself
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