When I deeply understand why I am doing something, figuring out how to do it becomes much more manageable.
For the past two and a half years, I have written and published three posts every week. Some might call it discipline. Others might see it as commitment. But for me, writing is more than just a habit; it is a necessity.
I write to keep myself on the straight and narrow path. It’s easy to drift, to let excuses or distractions pull me away from the person I strive to become. But when I put my thoughts into words, something powerful happens. My own words hold me accountable. When I write about courage, I must live courageously. When I encourage self-awareness, I must be willing to examine myself. Writing helps me build a better version of myself.
But it’s not just about me. I write to open the door for others to grow as well. We all have blind spots, areas we don’t see in ourselves until life or someone else holds up a mirror. If my words can be that mirror for even one person, then the effort is worth it. I want my writing to invite people into the possibility of becoming more aware, fulfilled, and in tune with their own wisdom.
I deeply understand why consistency comes. When I am clear on my purpose, the work feels less like a task and more like a calling. Writing is mine.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed by how to do something, I step back and reconnect with why I am doing it. Once my purpose is clear, the path forward becomes much more manageable.
So, I will keep showing up three times a week, letting my words guide me toward growth and, hopefully, lighting the way for you to do the same.
If you acknowledged your why, would your how-to become easier?
Watch for the blind spots.
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